Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This Old Man He Played 7.........

This last weekend was great. Spent a lot of time with my daughter. She picked me up early Saturday morning and we drove to D. C. for the American Heart Association Heart Walk on the Mall. We were together for about 12 hours, 8 in the car, 1 at a late lunch, and 3 doing the walk. It was a little tiring, but we covered 4 miles, and her sponsors got their money's worth. Sunday, we hooked up after the football game for an early supper so I could give her something I'd picked up that morning. (I'm guessing 3 o'clock is the demarcation point for late lunch/early supper.) The weather was overcast both days, but somewhat warmish, which was actually the best to hope for doing the walk. Kinda like what you'd want doing a marathon, I guess.

Monday was a beautiful, Fall day. Sunny, unseasonably warm. I drove around a lot, doing a library run. (I've found that a lot of libraries sell books that are donated, usually because they already have a copy or two. This is because they have a finite amount of space. As a rule, they price them at 50 cents for paperbacks and 41 to $3 bucks for hardcovers. I usually stick with the paperbacks. Must have about 100 at home that I haven't got to yet.)

Decided to drive to Avenel, and drop off something at a friends house that I'd picked up that morning. I turned off St. George Avenue by the Dunkin Donuts and figured on going straight up to Remsen. At the corned of Prospect, I saw an old person raking leaves. I say person because I couldn't make out the gender. The baggy clothes and fly-away white hair could've been anybody. I noticed that there was no one around. I continued to Remsen and turned left onto Butler, parking just off the corner. This is a quiet neighborhood, with very little activity on a weekday, mostly workers busy doing their business elsewhere.

I walked down Butler, and turned up Prospect. It's a pretty steep hill from there. I took out the Flasher. I stayed on the right-hand side of the street, since the person I saw would be on the left. I kept looking around, but I saw no foot or vehicular traffic. As I got to the corner, I saw the person still raking. His/her back was to me, but that doesn't really matter. They must've been in their late 80's or 90's from the impression I got. I crossed the street. No one around. Point, push, Flash, and they toppled gently into a pile of leaves as I rounded the corner.

I walked up the block, down Remsen, got in my car, and continued to my friends house to drop off the item. I was driving down Amboy Avenue 15 minutes later when I got the confirmation. 7 inside 3 months. I was slightly ahead of schedule.

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