Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Giving Thanks.....

Usually, my not having ready access to a computer annoys me, and slows down the postings to this blog. In this instance, it gave me time to figure out how I wanted to say something. Even with the extra time, I couldn't so I'll just go ahead with what I want to say.

Thanksgiving Day is always the last Thursday in November. That should be no surprise to anyone. This year it was preceded by 3 days that have a big impact on me. The Tuesday was the first anniversary of my transplant. A big day for me and my immediate family. A quiet celebration to remember what happened and to be thankful for what didn't.

This means that Monday was the first anniversary of the death of my donor, Jimmy. I can't imagine how his family feels, or what they went through making the decision to donate the organs of their only son. I called them. They said it was getting better, but the tone of voice they used didn't sound that way.

Wednesday would've been my donor's 27th birthday. Another blow to the family.

For me, these 3 days will be linked forever to my future. I guess with every good thing that happens to you, you have to be prepared to carry some sadness.

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