Sunday, February 21, 2016

A Warm Weekend ...........

I finished my radiation treatments on the last Friday in January. I had a follow-up visit with the Radiation Oncologist on February 4th and he said that the outside of my neck is healing well. I met with the ENT on February 8th and he checked the inside. Except for a very small spot (which he thinks is just scar tissue) the growth is gone.

By the end of last week, I'd stopped using the medication and the skin lotion. I still have the cough drops because I still get the "tickle-in-my-throat" sensation.

This week started off cold but I've been feeling more like my old self every day.

Yesterday I slept in a little and came out to a beautiful, warm morning. I headed up Rahway Avenue towards Avenel. As I came up towards the railroad crossing, I saw this guy up ahead.

Sometimes it comes down to the right place and the right time.

Point, press, Flash.

I turned left on Avenel and headed up towards Route 9. I had only driven a couple of blocks when I got a text message. I pulled over and parked (yes, I'm one of those people). It was my daughter commenting on the weather. I sent her a quick reply and as I looked up to start my car this guy popped up, startling me.

I let him get about half a block further then came up behind him.

Point, press, Flash.

I drove on, made the left onto Route 9, and headed for Walmart. I had another prescription ready to be picked up. I was in and out quickly and decided to drive around a bit.

I took Amboy Avenue towards Metuchen and came up behind this guy riding his bike.

He was on the sidewalk, which is okay by me. I drove on.

The library wasn't open yet so I got onto Route 1 and headed towards the Target store in Edison. My Granddaughter's First Birthday is coming up soon and I wanted to check out a few prices. I pulled into the parking lot off Parsonage Road and came up behind this guy.

Another "place and time" situation.

Point, press, Flash.

I parked, checked out what their prices were, and spent an hour or so just driving around before heading home.

This morning wasn't as sunny but it was still warm. I had a few stops to make but I didn't head out until 8 o'clock. I drove towards the Post Office - I had some bills to mail and figured to just drop them in the box out front. When I got back in my car, I saw this guy walking on the other side of the street.

I might have used the Flasher but I was distracted by how bad my side windows looked.

I headed towards Shoprite. Since I started babysitting I try to pick up some stuff to bring for breakfast and lunch so I can eat while the baby naps. I took one of the side streets and cut through a development to get to St. George Avenue. As I slowed to match the development's speed limit, I saw this woman up ahead.

By the time I caught up to her the SUV was in the way.

I picked up some lunch meat and some yoghurt then drove down St. George and made the right onto Main Street.

I was heading for Wegmans'. I wanted to see if they had the soup I like on sale. As I pulled into the shopping area I saw this guy up ahead on the left.

Opportunity finally presented itself.

Point, press, Flash.

The soup wasn't on sale but Wegmans' price was lower then other stores so I picked up a couple of cans. I headed home.

All in all, the perfect way to spend a warm weekend.