Sunday, July 22, 2012

You Can Never Be Too Careful................

Doyle called. It's been close to 2 weeks since the last time we were supposed to meet, when he hadn't shown up. While I hadn't expected him to call right away, 2 weeks is a little long. I'm not complaining this time though. We've gone through a couple of heat waves, and I have to admit that the last one wore me down.

When I woke up last Thursday morning I felt light-headed and clammy. I remember having been dehydrated a couple of years ago. Back then, I was hospitalized for a night for observation. They keep telling you to drink plenty of water but, really, how much water can you drink? Especially when you aren't thirsty.

Anyway, thank God the heat wave broke that day.


Doyle wanted to meet at 10:30 at a deli in Raritan Center. Unusual because it's a Sunday, but not a problem. Although it is late for me, on a Sunday.

I have a morning routine which I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before. It's all timing. I have to take certain pills at certain times. Sunday's I have an extra pill that needs to be taken 1 hour before any others, and the directions say I can't lie down for an hour. I take it by 7, go to mass at 8, then take the other pills at 9. This gave me an hour and a half before the meet.

I had breakfast at Denny's. I wasn't gonna wait till I met Doyle before I could eat.


After breakfast, I still had about 45 minutes before the meet. It was a nice morning, so I took the scenic route through Metuchen. Traffic was light and with the windows down, there was a cool breeze. It is a pretty residential area where you don't see many walkers. The closer you get to the town center, however, that changes. I came up behind this guy.

He was heading towards the cathedral along the street behind the rectory. I had the Flasher ready, as always, but wasn't gonna use it. I wasn't out looking for an Event. He caught my eye because I've always been amused by a guy who wears a belt and suspenders.

I drove back up through Edison, and got to the deli around 10:20. I actually come here often. I have lunch here about once a week with my daughter. There were only a few cars in the lot.  Today, of course, being Sunday, most of the businesses in the area were closed and the only workers around would be in the warehouses. And it was a bit early for the lunch crowd.

I went in and turned left into the dining area.  Only Doyle was here, sitting all the way in the back. (There's no table service - you buy you food at the counters to the right of the entrance - so nobody comes by to bother you once you sit down.)

"A red shirt? Really? All your white ones in the wash?"
Denny! How are ya" He grinned up at me. "No, they're at the cleaners...Sit down. You want anything?"
"No thanks. I ate already." Up close, he looked tired. I told him so.

"Yeah," he said, rubbing his face. "It's been a busy coupla weeks. Sorry I bailed on you last time."
"No problem. I got your message. The young guy said Gordon had hit in Freehold. Is that right? during that big storm?"
"Fraid so. He's the reason I didn't meet you that Monday. He hit in Matawan early that morning. And he's hit down in Ocean County and up in Union County since then."
"Really? How about that. Sounds like he's not as sick as you thought."
He nodded, and shrugged.

"Whatever. He seems to be concentrating here in New Jersey so we're pulling out of Delaware and Pennsylvania for now."
Oh? But you still can't track him, right?"
"Right. But the shrinks still believe he'll contact you, so we'll continue with the plan."
"You mean, I escalate and that draws him to me. When he does contact me, you grab him. That's the plan, right?"
He grinned, although a bit weakly. "Right."

His phone buzzed, and he glanced at it, then looked up at me.
"Also, I thought you should know that we've had to reduce the number of agents assigned to this. Mr. Jones insists we continue, but there are other demands on the Department's time."
"Like what?"
"Well, it is a Presidential election year, so we have to cover both sides. And we sent agents to Colorado to help out with the movie theater attack. And we're sending agents to London for the Olympics. We're stretched a bit thin, but so far every thing's covered."
I thought about all that for a minute or two.

"Hey, Doyle, look. I'm sorry. I never really gave it much thought, but you guys really do a lot."
His phone buzzed again. He stood up.
"We do what we have to do, Denny. You can't be too careful. I gotta go, so take it easy."
"You too, Doyle"
We shook hands, and he left.

As I went back to my car, I couldn't help but think of that guy with the belt and the suspenders and I laughed.

To me, that is being a little too careful.

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