Saturday, November 29, 2014

Downs And Ups .............

Maybe it's because I just passed my Sixth Anniversary as a transplant recipient. Maybe it's because we just passed Thanksgiving - the used-to-be get-together-with-the-family Holiday. Maybe it's because today was one of those cold, overcast days that are harbingers of the coming winter. Whatever the reason, I left my house this morning in a mood.

I wouldn't call it depressed. I'm not one of those people who spend a lot of time questioning things, and I never feel sorry for myself. Still, I guess, everyone must feel down every now and then.

I stopped at the Library a little after 9 and found that they wouldn't be open until 10. Down.

 I stopped at Shoprite and picked up a box of decaffeinated tea bags. I stopped for the paper. I stopped at Dunkin' Donuts and had a toasted cinnamon raisin bagel with butter and a medium decaf coffee. I had a book with me and sat by the window to eat. There was not enough butter on the bagel. Down.

I got back to the Library at 10 to 10 and they'd opened already. I went in to print out my checking account statement but they changed things. You now have to have a Library Card in order to access the system. I have a card. It didn't work. Down.

I waited at the main desk and renewed my card, then logged in, printed my statement, and left. I decided to head towards the Metuchen Library and took Avenel towards Chain-of-Hills. Along the way, I passed this woman.

She's a fixture in this neighborhood. I've seen her walking around here for years. I've heard that she lives in a nearby SRO and that she carries all of her possessions with her because she's afraid to leave anything in her room. A sad story. A Down.

 I drove on. I decided to head up through the Clara Barton section, which would take a little longer, but I now had my radio tuned to CBS-FM and they were playing their traditional Top 500 for the weekend. That always makes me feel good. Up.

Along Amboy Avenue, I passed by this guy sitting on a bench in front of a Senior Citizen's Home.

I'm sure he had a story. I wondered, briefly, what it was. There he was all bundled up and sitting in the cold, all alone. It looked like a sad story. Down.

I pulled up in front of the Library in Metuchen, and saw this man walking towards it.

Another guy, carrying some books, looking all alone. I imagined that he walked up here - maybe weekly - to take out some other books. Another sad story. Down.

I went inside and headed towards the sale books. I noticed the guy from outside was now at the main desk, returning the books. As I browsed, the guy went past me, humming, and went upstairs to the meeting room. I heard voices greeting him. I walked over there and read the sign - there was a meeting of the local Historical Society going on. This guy wasn't alone after all. Up.

That's when I realized that I'd let my own mood color how I saw things. Maybe the guy in the Clara Barton section wasn't alone either. Maybe he was waiting for someone to pick him up. Up.

And, maybe there was more to the story of that old woman in Avenel then the locals knew about. At least now I was willing to entertain that thought. Up.

I went back to the sale books and picked out two. As I left, I held the door for a woman coming in, probably to attend the meeting. She thanked me. Up.

Then, as I headed towards my car, I saw another woman carrying a couple of bags. I offered to help but she said it was OK. Still, I went back and held the door. She thanked me  and said that the bags held some cupcakes that she'd baked for the meeting. Up.

I drove home feeling better. Everybody has moods. Everybody has a story. And we tend to allow our moods to affect those stories. Everybody has ...

Downs and Ups.

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