Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Things Just Don't Work Out .........

I got up early this morning because I was hoping to get something done. I'd gotten this idea over the weekend and, as sometimes happens, I got a little carried away.

After I came into possession of my "new" car, I realized that the radio didn't work. Since then, I've found out that it may work but - because of something that the previous owner had done - I needed a security code (which she didn't have) to get it working. Several frustrating phone calls later, I found out that the only way to get the security code from the car company was to give them the serial number of the unit. That's where I ran into a problem.

In order to get the serial number, I need to have the unit removed from the console. This is not simple on a "99 Honda Civic. I came across an on-line video that shows how to do it but, after watching the guy contort himself to take out some screws, then seeing him pull out the glove compartment to get at some others, I turned it off. There was no way I was gonna do that. Here's when I got my idea.

I know that P. C. Richard's sells car stereos and that they do the installations themselves. I've bought a few things there over the years - and so have some family members of mine - so I thought that I'd ask them to get the serial number for me. I was willing to pay for that, if it wasn't gonna be too much. But you never know, so I looked up a few other car stereo dealers in the area, just in case.

I left my apartment around 8, which was too early to check any of the shops out, but there were a few other things I wanted to get done. As I sat in my car, warming up, I saw this guy across the street.

The sun was shining brightly which would've hidden the Flash, but it was too close to home. What's that old saying ... you don't shit where you eat, right? I drove away and, since P. C. Richard's is in the same strip mall I decided to stop at Shoprite.

I picked up some soup and some snack food. Richard's wouldn't open till 9 so I had about 1/2 an hour to pass. I drove up through Avenel, making random turns. That's where I saw this guy up ahead, raking leaves.

I was ready but, by the time I'd gotten there, he'd moved to where I didn't have a chance. It was almost time.  I drove back P. C. Richards.

As I was parking in the lot I noticed this guy loading groceries into his car.

I was temped but, since I was going to go to Richard's, I just parked and got out.

I spoke to a salesman and explained my situation. He told me that it would be up to the installer who wouldn't be in until 10. I had another hour to kill. I decided to get breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts and drove up St. George's Avenue. I parked in the back. There was a guy washing the windows.

Again, I was tempted but I was also hungry. I parked and went inside. I had a toasted Blueberry muffin with butter and a medium iced tea, black.

I still had some time so I went into the nearby auto-parts store. They sold car stereos so I waited for the counter-guy to be free. When he was, I told him my story but he said they couldn't do it. Yes, they sold some stereos but they also sold installation kits. It would be up to me.

I drove back to Richard's and spoke with the installer. He couldn't do anything without a purchase order, which meant, basically, I had to buy a radio in order to get the help I was looking for. We did speak about how complicated it would be and I got the feeling that if he could've, he would. I went back to my car.

I decided to call the numbers I'd written down. The first was no longer in service. The second had a long menu to choose from. That led me to believe they wouldn't do it without a purchase, either.

My only option was to make a service appointment at a Honda Dealer and pay the minimum one-hour labor cost. I'm gonna have to think about that.

It was still early and still sunny. I knew that I had some fried chicken at home that I could have for lunch so I thought I'd make a few stops and see what I could come up with for supper.

I didn't find anything interesting at Foodtown and headed for the A&P. I was driving down Inman Avenue when I saw this guy coming towards me.

I passed him by. I just didn't feel like it.

I picked up a Pepperoni and Cheese Calzone at the A&P that had a 50% off coupon attached and it was microwavable. Supper was only gonna cost $2.25. Not bad. When I got back to my car, I noticed that it was starting to cloud up. I decided to head home.

Sometimes things go your way and sometimes ..

things just don't work out.

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