Sunday, May 23, 2010

Trial Run, Take One . .

Meeting with Doyle made me realize how pressing my situation was. I hadn't done anything, and They knew it. They were keeping tabs on my through the implant and there was nothing I could do about that, except make an effort. Show them I was doing something.

I went to the hospital twice that week. Tuesday and Thursday. I took the number 810 bus from Wooodbridge Center on Tuesday, and the number 815 from Amboy Avenue and Main Street on Thursday. I figured that by mixing it up, I wouldn't be easily remembered if something happened, went wrong.

I had to be careful at the hospital. There were a lot of people - doctors, nurses, orderlies, etc. - who would recognize me. I tried to stay away from areas where they might be, but I did need to find Dr. Forrest and she, naturally, would be in those same areas.

Tuesday, I started on the 6th Floor of the Tower, where cardio-surgery patients are kept. I thought I'd know a lot of the staff since I'd spent weeks here, but it has been a year and a half, and they must've had some shift changes or turnovers. I recognized a couple of people, but they paid me no attention. I found Dr. Forrest's office alright, exactly where it was before, but she wasn't there, and it's not private anyway. Staff from the Transplant use it when they're on the floor. Bottom line, the floor is too crowded, with too much going on, to afford me the luxury of a simple Flash.

I went down to the Second Floor, where the Cath Lab is located. This is where the "simple" cardio-surgeries take place - pacemaker adjustments, biopsies, etc. You can't get in without someone buzzing you in, so there was no way I could check it out. Sitting in the waiting area would just be inviting recognition, so I went home.

Thursday, I went back and started in the  hospital cafeteria. This is on the Second Floor, near the Cath Lab, and almost everyone in the hospital - staff and visitors - shows up there at one time or another. I thought I could wait there for Forrest to show up, then follow her, but I got nervous after about an hour worried that someone might ask me why I was there. Paranoia, I know, but what're you gonna do? I went to the Annex.

This is a separate building, but connected to the hospital by a walkway running from the hospital first floor, to the Annex's third (because of how the OR and underground parking at the hospital are situated). I figured on staking  out the cafeteria here, on the Third Floor, and watch the people going to the elevators. I actually did see Dr. Forrest. She came in for coffee while I was there. I even said "Hello", but she just nodded, as if she didn't know me. I was tempted to follow her out, but to what end? No matter where we went, there were just too many people around. This was not going to be easy.

On my way home, I got a text message from "James". It read..."Go back and read the bio. Remember its "AT the hospital, not IN the hospital".

 I did that today. At first, there was nothing I hadn't seen. Stuff I didn't need, stuff I knew already. Where she went to school, where she lived, where she worked, and - then - what kind of car she drove, and where she parked it. A silver, four-door, Honda Civic with MD plates in a parking facility across from the Annex.

Something new has been added.

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