Wednesday, August 26, 2020

 Public Service ....

Now that I was driving again - and having started to use the Flasher again - I found myself with a new mission. People who are out in public without a face mask pose a health risk to everyone else. Especially to me and my family. Somehow this seemed selfish to me. Fortunately, I had a way to deal with it.

Monday the 17th, I stopped at the Quick Check on Main Street to get a cup of ice. I needed it to make the iced coffee I'd left in the car colder. When I pulled in I saw these folks.

I figured that 2 of them were employees and the 3rd was a migrant worker waiting to get picked up. None of them had masks on. I didn't stop.

Wednesday the 19th I was out early and noticed these 2 cars.

They were in a yellow zone so they were parked illegally. In fact, the SUV has been parked in that area for at least the last week. Normally I wouldn't bother but they were now  blocking my view of oncoming traffic when I pulled out. I looked around. No one.

Pont, Press, Flash.

Hopefully, I got both of them. At least I knew the SUV wouldn't start. I got in my car and took the long way to Amboy Avenue.

Thursday the 20th I had the appointment for a Swallow Test at 8 AM in the JFK Rehabilitation Facility.

A staff member met me at the door and took my temperature. He gave me one of those blue surgical masks because cloth ones like I was wearing weren't allowed. The Tech asked me a bunch of questions then had me sample various foods/beverages. After she saw my reactions she recommended that I have a Barium Swallow Test which would actually let them use x-rays to see what was happening. I already had a scrip for it (because my Pulmonologist knew what would probably happen) and we scheduled it for the next day.

Friday the 21st I went back to JFK for the new test. After some more food/beverage samples that were treated with Barium the new Tech recommended that I set up an appointment with an on-staff Therapist. 

Saturday the 22nd, just as I started the car up I saw this  guy.

No mask but no  opportunity. I went ahead with my errands.

Monday the 24th I stopped at Dunkin's for a fresh iced coffee and saw this.

They were taking up way too much space which has always annoyed me. I looked but I was alone.

Point, press, Flash.

I went in to get my coffee and saw  2 guys I assumed were from the truck just getting their food. When I got back to my car, the guys were trying to get the truck to start. I got in and drove away.

That afternoon, I went back to the Dermatologist and he removed the cancerous growth from my jawline. He's done this sort of procedure for me so often that I knew what I'd have to do when I got home.

Yesterday I was out early. I hadn't slept well but I had things to do. I made a food run, stopping at Shoprite, Fresh Grocer, and Stop & Shop. I picked up a few things and headed down to my Pulmonologist's. He was supposed to leave a scrip for me so that I could schedule the Evaluation. The easy way there was closed due to road work and I had to take some back roads. Along the way I saw this guy coming towards me.

No mask. I was already aggravated so I closed the gap.

Point, Press, Flash.

I picked up the scrip and made the appointment for today.

This morning I drove back to JFK for my 9:30 appointment. Again, very helpful people who explained things to me and then ran a few tests. I was given some exercises to do and we set up a schedule for visits - every Tuesday and Friday at 9 AM for the next 5 weeks.

As I was leaving I realized that I hadn't taken my Zyrtec and my allergies were kicking in big time. I stopped at the nearest place - Target - and wound up buying their version which was $20 cheaper and had more pills. As I was getting back in my car I noticed this guy getting out of his.

I didn't pay any attention until I heard ..

"Mr. O'Neill please turn off your car."

I looked at the guy again. A bit on the heavy side but with a nice suit, crewcut, and holding hisbadge out in front of him. I'd seem similar ones before. DHS. I didn't turn the car off but I did lower the window.


"I'm S. A. Kellerman and I was sent to tell you that Mr. Jones is pleased that you've decided to rejoin the program."

I waited a couple of minutes but he didn't add anything to his statement.

"OK. Thanks for that, Kellerman...Wait ... Where's Wells? He's the one who usually brings me Jones' messages?" 

"I've been told that he's in Quarantine, having been exposed to the Virus." He put his badge back in his jacket and turned to go back. I took a chance.

"What do you know about S. A. C. Doyle?"

He stopped then turned to me. "Who? I don't think I know that name."

I shrugged and said,  "Never mind." Then rolled up my window. He walked away.

As I drove home I smiled to myself. Jones thinks I'm doing things for him but I have a different motive.

I consider what I'm doing a Public Service.

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