Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Devil You Don't Know.......................

It's been over 2 weeks since the Adams Tower experiment. Two weeks with nothing to show for it. No mention in the news - TV or press, and no activity that I could see from my living room window that might indicate that the plan Givings put into effect actually worked. Two weeks! And all I've gotten is frustrated.

It didn't help that I haven't staged any Events during those weeks. I've been out, but, somehow, I never got around to anything. That, of course, added to my frustration. Until Monday............

The hospital called. They wanted to know if it would be all right to  reschedule my biopsy from today till next Thursday. It seems my cardiologist would be the only one on, and they were trying to lighten the load. I had no problem with it. Then yesterday, I began to feel less tense. Maybe subconsciously I was obsessing over the biopsy and the fact that this would be the 2nd anniversary of my transplant. Maybe there was some anxiety involved. Anxiety added to frustration. I didn't know. I didn't think so, but what did it matter. I couldn't deny that I certainly felt better, looser.

This morning, my emails contained a couple of coupons to local book stores and I decided to check them out. I know I've mentioned that I get most of my books at libraries, but if the coupon is worth it I'm game for a bookstore. Besides, I was feeling better. Since I don't have a printer for my computer, I drove up towards a friends house in Avenel to use theirs.

Driving down Remsen Avenue, I saw some guy out raking his leaves. I could feel the itch coming back, but I drove past. When I got out of the car, I saw an older man coming down Butler, walking slowly. Again, the itch.

I went inside and printed out my coupons.

When I came out, the old man was walking back up Butler away from me. I got in, drove the other way on Butler, Turned on Prospect, went down one block, left for 2 blocks, then a left on Demorest. I had the Flasher out, and the windows down. I should've found the old man at the corner of Butler, but he was no where around. Damn. I kept going on Butler, and slowed at the corner of Remsen. I could see the man raking his leaves over on my left. There was no one else around. I turned.

My windows were still down and the Flasher was still out. I pulled up along his curb.
"Excuse me. I seem to be lost. Can you help me?"
He came over, and I leaned across the seat, checking around for any traffic. No one.

Point, push, Flash. He dropped to the lawn and I drove down Remsen and made the right on to Avenel Street. I was definitely feeling better.

Avenel Street becomes Chain of Hills Road on the other side of St. George Avenue. I like to go this when when I'm heading for Barnes & Nobles. It's a quite, winding road with park-like scenery that just makes me smile. Since it runs parallel (sort of) with Routes 1 and 27, it doesn't get a lot of traffic. Just locals. I came into the middle of an S-shaped section, with a tight curve behind me and another in front. In between, on the passenger side, was some guy out power walking. I slowed. The windows were still down. I couldn't see around either curve. Here it was just me and the power walker. I slowed. The gap narrowed. Point, press, Flash. I sped up a little, but not by much. These curves can be tricky. I rounded the curve and passed a minivan going the other way. By the time I got to Green Street my phone had beeped. Confirm #1.

I was hungry, so I went to the McDonald's just the other side of Menlo Park, along Route 1. I parked, and noticed that there was someone sitting in the a car about 2 spaces over. I took my book and went inside. My phoned beeped again. Confirm #2.

When I came out, I noticed that the person was still in their car. I moved around mine, to the passenger side, and opened that door putting inside the book I had. As I turned, Flasher in hand, I realized that there were 2 people in the car. Oh well. I got in my car and drove back to the mall.

Instead of parking outside of the Barnes & Nobles, I chose to go to the parking facility on the opposite side of the mall. I had a vague idea of maybe finding someone in their car. There was a car in a handicapped spot with its blinkers on, but no one was inside. I parked, entered the mall, and did some window shopping.

When I came out, the car with the blinkers was still there, only now the blinkers were off, the headlights were on, and there was someone inside. I walked to my car, got things ready, and drove back. The handicapped spot was at the end of a row, directly across from the mall proper. There was no one around as I turned parallel to the car. I stopped and got out. Looking around, I saw no one. I heard no one. I walked to the other car. Point, press, Flash. I walked back to my car, got in, and drove away. Man, I was feeling really good.

My phone beeped again. Confirm #3. That would be all she wrote for now.

When I got home, while I was trying to decide how to record the day's Events, someone called. It was the same number Givings and Doyle used, but it wasn't them.
"Mr. O'Neill. I trust you are well?"
I recognized the voice. I'd heard it before. Back in August, with Givings. One of the People Upstairs.
"Yes. I am. Who's this?"
"Sorry. No time for that now. I just wanted to personally acknowledge your activities today. I was beginning to feel that you might be disillusioned after the Adams Tower fiasco."
"No. No. I'm good. I'm just, you know, a little startled to hear from someone other then Givings or Doyle. Is there something I can do for you?"
"There will be, but not right now. Ms. Givings is on leave for a couple of weeks. We thought it best for now. You should hear from her shortly regarding a resumption of  Phase 2. I just wanted to personally touch base with you. Check out how you were and congratulate you on reaching your second anniversary. I trust you will have a good holiday."

With that said, he hung up.

What's that they say about dealing with the devil?


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