Monday, March 26, 2018

March Is Almost Over ..........

There's an old saying about March that involves lions and lambs.

There's also one about the middle of the month.

Friday, the 2nd, was a beautiful day. Slightly cool but sunny. I took a drive and noticed other people just enjoying  themselves.

Then things started to go downhill.

The temperature dropped and there were more clouds then sun. The weather forecast mentioned snow - a lot of snow.

By the 6th, it had started to feel like it was gonna happen. You know what I mean. I drove up to Shoprite to pick up a few things. That's where I saw this guy.

You know my problem with bicyclists. This is something new. On the plus side, he's not riding in traffic. On the down side, he's actually walking his bike in the street and not on the sidewalk.. 

I was tempted, but it was too open. Besides, I promised Doyle that I wouldn't.

The first Nor'easter of the month was predicted for the 7th, when I had some blood work scheduled. It sounded bad so I called and moved my appointment to the 8th. Apparently, they watched the News also. They called me that afternoon to tell me they'd be closed so we rescheduled for the following week.

We got a couple of inches but it melted quickly.

On the 14th, I drove down to RWJ in New Brunswick. It was dark when I left (Thank you, Daylight Saving Time) but brightened up quickly. By the time I was on the Route 27 overpass the sun was shining brightly and a lot of people were walking enjoying the walk.

The weather was quiet for the next week.

I ran some errands and read some books. I spent time with my Granddaughter and ordered a few presents for her (Easter is coming and so is her 3rd Birthday).

Then we got hit with another Nor'easter on Wednesday the 21st. I kept watching from my living room window and - although it didn't seem bad  I wound up going out twice - at bout 4:20 and 6:30 - to clean off my car and shovel away the snow.

I went out Thursday morning and had to clean off and dig out again but it wasn't too bad. I could've gotten out easily but I didn't want to lose the spot.

By Friday, a lot had melted. I was able to get out of my spot easily. I ran some errands and then spent some time with my Granddaughter. Luckily, I was able to park in the same spot.

I had a lot to do Yesterday so I was out early. There were still some icy spots but I was surprised to see how much of the snow was gone.

I ran a lot of errands early on and then met my New Jersey family to celebrate a Birthday at Seasons 52 in Edison Saturday night.

This morning I decided to get my laundry done before meeting my Granddaughter for a late breakfast. Things were running smoothly and, since I had some time to spare, I headed home to drop off the wash. That's when I got stopped by this.

There went the spare time.

Thank God March is almost over.

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