The month started out pretty good. Things were going well and I was feeling good.
I haven't heard from Doyle but I'm not surprised, the DHS has a lot on it's hands right now. I haven't heard from Gordon either. That might be because I've stopped using the Flasher. We'll see.
I didn't have any appointments until mid-month so I spent the first week and a half running errands and visiting my Granddaughter. Good times.
We had some snow but not much.
Thursday the 15th, I had Blood Work scheduled in New Brunswick. My appointment was at 8 AM but I got there at 7:15 in order to get a good spot in the garage. I took the walkway over to the clinical building.
Friday the 16th, I had a follow-up with my Dermatologist. I thought that he'd work on something just below my left eye but he said that everything looked good.
I decided to stop at Subways to pick up some lunch.

Of course, since it's Lent, I got a tuna sub.
Saturday, the 17th, was a beautiful day. I picked up breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts (my current drink of choice is now iced, decaf, French Vanilla, black) and just drove around. I stopped at the Target on Parsonage Road across from the Menlo Park Mall.
My cat is a rescue that has allowed me to live with her for almost 10 years. She's gotten fussy lately and will only use the store brand litter from here.
We got more snow that night which continued into Sunday. They were predicting warmer temps for that afternoon so I decided to let the car sit.
Monday, the 19th, was President's Day. I looked out the Living Room window before I left my apartment.
The streets were good, the Super did a decent job with the sidewalk, and I only had to scrape off some ice from the front window. My kind of snow storm.
Tuesday, the 20th, I was out around 8 in the morning and was letting the car warm up when I saw this guy.
He was staring up at the back of my building. I didn't know why so I sat there for a while debating whether I should call the police or not when he walked away. I sat there a little longer but he kept walking so I drove away.
About 3 that afternoon I was sitting in my chair reading with the TV on but muted when I heard some voices outside. I looked out the window and saw this.
Two cops were talking to the guy I saw this morning. Everyone seemed to be calm so I went back to my book.
Wednesday, the 21st, we hit record temps and I was out and about with the windows down. I even left a few windows open in my apartment. I noticed that other people were enjoying the day, too.
Then things went South.
The temp dropped, the sky has been cloudy, and we've had rain on and off.
I drove up to Walmart yesterday to pick up a prescription. I saw this woman on my way.
It's February. We've gone from one extreme to another.
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