Sunday, April 25, 2021

 Let It Rain .....

Spring, so far, has been sort of a hit-or-miss proposition. We've had sunny days and rainy days. We've had warm days and chilly days. We've had every possible combination. What we haven't had is any real change in the Pandemic situation. Masks and Social Distancing are still the norm and even I - a self-proclaimed anti-social person - am starting to miss the conventional contacts we used to have.

Monday, March 21st, was a bright sunny day and I went out early to run some errands. First stop - the Post Office on Main Street to mail some bills. As soon as I pulled up I saw this guy heading towards me, probably on his way to the train station.

No mask. I was so annoyed that I just drove away and went the Post Office in Avenel.

I didn't have anything to do for a couple of days but on Wednesday the 24th I had a follow-up with the Radiologist. It was for 10:15 but I left my house around 8:30 hoping to pick up some breakfast at the Quick Chek on Main Street. Of course, things don't always go as planned. I got stopped on Rahway by the construction work.

I waited in the line for about 15 minutes while they moved a bulldozer from one side of the site to another. By the time I could move forward, I'd lost my appetite. 

I got to the Radiologist's at 9:45 and he saw me right away. He felt the side of my face where the tumor is and said there didn't seem to be any change so we should wait until we got some kind of answer from the dentist as to what he could do before going any further. In short, no change.

Sunday the 28th I got some good news. I had a new Granddaughter but, of course, I couldn't see her right away.

April started quietly and on Saturday the 3rd I drove up to Wegman's to pick up some yogurt. They sell their own brand 3 for $.99 which is a great price. Unfortunately, their supply was pretty depleted by the time I got there so I was disappointed. On the way home, I cut through a business complex near the Community Center to get to Main Street and saw this guy out walking.

I got close but he had a mask and I drove past.

I was lucky the next couple of days. The 4th was Easter Sunday and we had a small family get together. Then the 5th was my first Granddaughter's 6th Birthday and we were back together as a family. Those two days really helped me get back to a reasonable sense of normalcy.

I called the dentist's office the following day to get some answers but he was on vacation.

 There was nothing to do until the following week except errands. We were having a stretch of warm, sunny days where people were out.

Some without masks. Annoying.

I called the dentist back on the 13th and he said he couldn't do anything but did refer me to an Oral Surgeon. The earliest appointment I could get was the 24th. 

Now we were in a stretch of cloudy, rainy weather but some people were still out.

This guy was on a bike and wearing shorts on a chilly day but he had a mask. Still annoying.

Saturday the 17th, I drove down to the Library in Hazlet. They were having an outdoor Book Sale and, even though it was very windy out, I couldn't wait.

I took advantage of their $5 A Bag offer and picked up 15 books, 8 of which were YA's for my Daughter to have for her students. The ones I picked out for myself were mostly by writers I knew but I did take a chance on a few new ones. I was feeling good on the way home.

Monday the 19th, I drove down to New Brunswick for Blood Work. It was scheduled for 8 and I got there at 7:40. They actually took me early and I was done and out by 8:10. Add that to getting a good spot in the Parking Garage and free, validated parking and I felt good. I stopped at Dunkin' Donuts on Woodbridge Avenue for breakfast.

My appointment with the Oral Surgeon was on Wednesday the 21st at 11. I got there at 10:40 and wound up having to wait until 11:15 before I was called in by a Nurse. She took me in for x-rays then had me wait in another room for about 10 minutes until the Doctor came in. He took a look at the x-rays then at my mouth. Then he said he would have to speak with my dentist and radiologist before he could offer any solutions. he said he'd call in a few days. I left unsatisfied.

Yesterday, I went back to Wegman's and they'd obviously replenished their yogurt stock. I picked up a great variety that only cost me $5 for 15. Since I was nearby, I stopped at the Dollar Store to see if they had socks. This guy got out of his car and started walking in my direction as soon as I parked.

I didn't know him so I just sat there waiting. As he passed the front of my car he stopped. I thought he was checking out my license plate but he was only putting on his mask. He went on his way and so did I. Now I was getting paranoid.

Today it's raining but I was out early I wasn't the only one.

At least, I thought, I was in a car. I stopped at ShopRite and picked up a few things including the latest issues of my favorite Crossword Magazines. I felt good on the way home.

I've had my breakfast, read the paper, watered the plants, and changed the water in the Fish Bowl. I'm just lying here on the bed watching "Criminal Minds" and trying to decide which book I should read next. And I've been thinking. And I remembered some advice I'd gotten back in the early '80's when I was working at a Call Center. This one client used to call every month to check on the receipt of his Dividend payments but he always called a day early so I couldn't tell him what they were. I'd apologize and he'd say it's OK, that when things didn't go the way he wanted he'd do what the Chinese do when it rains. Of course, I'd have to ask what that was and he'd say he'd let it rain. Then he'd laugh, hang up, and call back the next day.

I'd forgotten about that but I'm remembering now and I understand it. When things don't go your way, especially when they are out of your control, you have to let them go. There's nothing you can do so stressing over them does you no good. 

That's what I'm going to try to do from now on whenever I get annoyed  - 

Let it rain.

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