Wednesday, January 27, 2021

 Some Days You're Not Happy, Some Days You Are ............

I've been thinking back over the last few months and I've realized something - I let it get to me. Maybe it was the Pandemic. Maybe it was the Political Situation. Maybe it was my Personal Situation. Maybe it was Seasonal Affectedness Disorder. Whatever it was, I let it get to me.

I was staying home more. I wasn't reading as much but was doing a lot of Crossword Puzzles just to keep my mind occupied. I was napping more in the afternoons which kept me up late at night. 

I wasn't being me and I wasn't happy. That had to change.


It's a New Year and, although I don't usually make Resolutions, I did decide to get things back to normal. First thing, I put the small, bronze "NOW" coin in a drawer so I wouldn't obsess over it. Secondly, I mapped out how my month would go taking into account the several Medical Appointments I had. Then I got about doing things.

These started right away on Monday, January the 4th with a visit to my Dermatologist. It was flurrying a little as I left my place.

It was annoying, but not enough to cause a problem. At the Doctor's, he explained that the skin cancer on my right jaw (that I thought he'd taken care of) was worse then he thought. He had to slice in again and, this time, put in stitches. I wasn't happy but I wasn't gonna let it get to me.

The next day I had a haircut scheduled for 8:30 at my guy's on Main Street. I took a quick run afterwards to ShopRite then dropped off my car at the mechanics. The brake Light had been coming on even though they felt good but I didn't want to take any chances. I got it back 2 days later and it cost me $570. I wasn't happy but I'd gotten the $600 Stimulus Money so it didn't hurt too bad.

Monday the 11th, I was back at the mechanic. While I was driving around I found my foot going all the way down to the floor board before it would stop. He looked under the hood and said there was a leak. He then put it up on a lift inside the garage to show me better.

I could see what and where the problem was and left it. He had it ready later on and I walked back up. Another $115. Again, not happy but at least I wouldn't have to worry.

Thursday the 14th, I was back at the Dermatologist's to have the stitches removed. He told me that it would required more extensive work and that I'd have to get someone to drive me to their Medical Building in Clarke to do what's called a Mohs Procedure. We scheduled it for Tuesday, February 2nd. I was annoyed again but what could I do.

Tuesday the 19th, I drove down to New Brunswick for Blood Work. I was in and out quickly, the sun was shining, the car was running smoothly, and I was feeling good. I decided to treat myself.

I stopped at Denny's to get their Senior Omelet for Take Out. It wasn't as good as I remembered but what ever is? I was happy.

Monday the 25th, I had a follow-up with the Gastroenterologist. On my way there, I noticed that even the side streets had the tell-tale lines visible.

They had been brined in preparation for the predicted snow storm the following day. The doctor said everything was going well and to come back in 6 months.

That next day, I had a 9:15 appointment with the Radiologist and drove up to Rahway. They took some blood to check me PSA Level as a follow-up to the treatment last year for Prostate Cancer. I went home but wasn't there long. I had a 1:30 appointment with the Urologist in Edison. By then, it was snowing but not heavily.

He didn't have to do the PSA Test since I'd had it done already but he did do the Prostate Exam. He had a scrip called in to my Pharmacy to help with some discomfort I've been experiencing. Not happy but I was expecting it.

This morning it was cold but sunny and I was feeling good. I stopped for gas at a Quick Chek in Avenel.

I went to Walmart's Pharmacy to pick up the scrip that was ready. I stopped at McDonald's for Pancakes to bring home for breakfast.

The new owners of my building have a couple of crews working and it's noisy in the Living Room. The Bedroom, however, is quiet and I've been stretched out after breakfast watching reruns of "Blue Bloods" on TV. I'm happy.

That's how it goes I guess. Some days you're not happy, some days you are.

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