Saturday, July 18, 2020

Home Alone .............

As I mentioned before, I was released from the Rehab Facility on Thursday June 18th. Today is Saturday July 18th. One month. I spent a month recuperating at my ex-wife's house. Looking back on that time, it doesn't seem that long. Of course, there was a lot going on which kept things moving.

Friday, June 19th, I had an early morning phone conference with my Oncologist. He was just checking in. That was the first day that I found out that my ex and her husband liked to eat their meals on the deck out back.

It was a comfortable spot as long as I was covered by the umbrella.

Tuesday the 23rd I had an appointment with my Primary Physician at 9:00 who ragged on me for not telling her I was hospitalized. Oh well, you can't please everyone. That afternoon I had a telephone conference with my Visiting Nurse. We discussed what would need to be done and set up a schedule. She would come by 1 day a week and the Physical Therapist would come by 3 days - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Thursday June 25th I was finally able to get my haircut. I had a 9AM appointment at the Main Street Barber Shop and was seen by Daisy, who did a great job of covering up the amateur attempt I did in the Rehab place. That afternoon, I had a follow-up appointment at 3:45 with the doctor who'd been handling me during my Hospital/Rehab stay. On the way back, I suggested that we hit McDonald's for dinner (so my ex wouldn't have to cook). I paid and we ate on the deck. I had a McNuggets Happy Meal and wound up with this.

A Minion! My Granddaughter will get a kick out of this.

Monday the 29th, we drove down to RWJ in New Brunswick for Blood Work at 8AM.

Thursday July 2nd, I had a 9:45 appointment with my Urologist. My Prostate has shrunk and they drew blood for a PSA test (Prostate Specific Antigen). I'd get the results in a few days.

Monday the 6th, I had a 1:30 appointment with my ENT. Turned out I have an ear infection and he gave me a scrip for antibiotics and a nasal spray. That afternoon after the Physical Therapist left I decided to add something to my routine.

I started going up and down the stairs to the attic. I could handle them pretty well but it was really hot up there.

Thursday the 9th, we were back in New Brunswick for Blood Work at 8AM and a visit with the Cardiologist at 9. Everything seems to going well.

Friday the 10th was a big day for me. P. C. Richard's delivered the Mattress Set and Recliner that we bought on the 4th (they were over 35 years old so it was time). The Mattress/Box Spring set is excellent and the chair ....

isn't just a Recliner, it's a Rocker too! I have to tell you that it's great!

I had a tele-conference that afternoon with my Dermatologist and showed him a growth on my right jaw-line. We agreed that I'd go to see him on the 28th to have it removed. I called about my PSA and was told it was down to 0.03. Excellent!

Monday the 13th was a tele-conference with the Oncologist to discuss my Hemoglobin Levels. It's good - going up slowly but good.

Tuesday the 14th I was at RWJ Rahway at 9 AM for a CAT scan of my chest.

Wednesday the 15th, I had a 9 AM follow-up with the Radiologist. Again, all good. We swung by my apartment and cleaned around to prepare for my return.

I stopped to check out my car and she started right up again. The Visiting Nurse said I can't drive until they sign-off. Hopefully, that will be soon.

Thursday the 16th, we had breakfast outdoors at our local Perkin's.

It was a bit breezy but enjoyable. The food, the service, and the company were great. We stopped at Shoprite to pick up some stuff for my refrigerator. Then, we went to my place.

I was home.

Friday the 17th my ex and her husband took me to Miller's for lunch. Afterwards, they came to my place with a new TV and stand for my Living Room. Unfortunately, they couldn't get the stand put together so they took it to their house.

Today I'm alone in my own house. I went in to the hospital on May the 13th so, except for a few short visits, I haven't been here in over 2 months. I slept better last night then I have in a while. I ate on my own schedule and I did my exercises sitting in my new chair.

I love my family but nothing compares to being ....

home alone.

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