My Granddaughter was christened a couple of weeks ago in a church right here in Woodbridge. I knew it was going to be held there so I've been going to their early Sunday Mass for about a month. Last weekend I decided to register in that parish.
Monday, I was out early and, since the parish office wouldn't be open until 9, I ran some errands. While stopping at the A&P in South Plainfield, I saw this.
The Google Maps car was running the perimeter of the parking lot. Pretty cool if you ask me.
I got to the parish office a little after 9 and had no problem registering, so that worked out.
Wednesday, I had a Prostate Biopsy scheduled for 4 PM. I had one of these about 3 years ago and the results were negative but, since my PSA Level has continued to rise, the doctor insisted that I go through another one. I was not looking forward to it. I found it to be intrusive and I remember being very uncomfortable for several days after. While driving around, killing time, "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" came on the radio.
It reminded me of my cousin who never stopped fighting the cancer that finally took her. I took it as a sign from her to just do what needed to be done. I went through the procedure and came away feeling better then I remembered. By Thursday morning I was almost back to normal and went out as usual.
This morning, I stopped at Shoprite to pick up some stuff and found that they had those Coca Cola name bottles again. On a whim, I took a look and actually found one with my granddaughter's name which, of course, I grabbed up right away. Then I remembered that my daughter and son-in-law had found one last year - months before she was born - and have it displayed in their china cabinet. They weren't, however, lucky enough to find one with my son-in-law's so they left it at that. Now, here I was with his name staring right at me.

I dug through the display until I found one with my daughter's name and bought all three. I dropped off the two at my daughter's house and she's already added them to the one in the cabinet. That worked out great.
I drove up Rahway to Avenel and cut through a small strip mall. I saw this guy sitting in his car. It looked like he was working on some scratch-off tickets.
It works out this way, sometimes.
Point, press, Flash.
I had a nice leisurely breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts then drove to Wawa's for gas. $2.27 a gallon. Pretty good.
I had nothing left to do and all day to do it. I lowered the windows, turned up the radio, and just drove around.
At Pathmark in Avenel, I picked up a packaged salad and an onion for lunch. At FoodTown in Iselin, I picked up some hot dogs, potato salad, and bread for supper.
I was feeling good and heading for home when I saw this woman heading my way.
I've said before that I don't like bike riders on the main roads but she was roller-blading - with headphones on. I couldn't resist.
Point, press, Flash.
As I continued on home, I was thinking about what I had on my schedule for the next week. There were two things.
Breakfast on Friday at Golden Corral in Freehold with my daughter and granddaughter for my birthday.
But first, on Thursday, a follow-up with the doctor to get the results of the biopsy.
I'm not worried. Whatever they are, I'll deal with them.
Things do have a way of working out.
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