Doyle called. I agreed to meet him at the Barnes & Noble store in the Menlo Park Mall at 9:00. What else could I do? Now I was worried. Did he know that Gordon had just paid me a visit? Had he waited a couple of days to see if I would notify him? Too many questions with no answers. I spent a sleepless night.
I was up early, and went to the 8:00 Mass. I usually get some comfort from there, but it didn't work today. Not only was I distracted by my upcoming meeting with Doyle, but a recent family tragedy left me questioning some things. And it didn't help that the pastor is on vacation and his substitute had an accent that was hard for me to follow. But it did go fast, and I was out in plenty of time to make the meeting.
Barnes & Noble's opens at 9:00 every day, but the mall doesn't open until 11:00 on Sundays. The parking lot was practically empty which, I assumed, would carry over into the store. As I approached the front door, I could see Doyle sitting at a window table in the cafe. He gave a little wave of acknowledgement.
Here goes nothing, I thought.
"So, Doyle, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I hoped I didn't sound different.
"Hiya, Denny. How goes it?" He held out his hand, and I took it.
"Sit" He gestured to the other chair at the table. He had a coffee in front of him.
"Sorry I didn't have anything for you, Denny. I know you've been having problems with that whole dehydration thing, so I figured caffeine was out of the question."
I don't know how he does it, but he always knows about my current physical condition.
"Thanks, Doyle. Yeah. I've been laying off lately. Does seem to be working though." I paused, glanced at the coffee counter, but changed my mind. "So, what's up? Anything new on the Gordon thing?"
"Nah. He seems to be striking during the heavy rains lately and has staged several Events around Freehold. We've got a team stationed down there now." He drank some coffee, "But that's not why I asked you here."
Nothing on Gordon? Maybe he pulled it off.
He grinned, sheepishly I thought. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it yesterday but I got tied up. Anyway, I wanted to wish you a Happy, belated, Birthday for last Tuesday and acknowledge a Third Anniversary for yesterday."
I'd forgotten that.
"Right. That's right. It's been 3 years since you got me involved in this thing. Thanks, Doyle." I hoped he'd pick up on the sarcasm.
He laughed. "No problem. And for the record, you do seem to have enjoyed yourself from time to time."
I couldn't disagree and, after a minute or two, I smiled and nodded.
"OK. So it hasn't been all bad. But you didn't have to go to the trouble of a personal meeting. You could've just sent a text."
"I know. But I don't get a chance to just hang out too often, so I chose to do this. I can't remember the last time I just sat and enjoyed a cup of coffee. I may even stay a while and leaf through some magazines."
"I gotta tell you that that's one of my pet peeves. People sitting here reading the magazines, then putting them back. I also don't like the people who come here to read a book and never pay for it. It's like stealing, you see?"
He looked at me over his coffee.
"I got ya. I promise to pay for any magazine I read." He looked at his watch. "Besides, the way things happen in this job, I probably wouldn't get the time to enjoy it."
Now it was my turn to understand, and I said nothing.
"Anyway, there's something else I wanted to tell you."
"Go ahead. I'm ready."
"there's been some scuttlebutt lately - you know..rumors..about the Project. Word is that once we bring in Gordon, Mr. Jones will be shutting it down."
Jones, huh. What about Smith? What does he think?"
"Mr. Smith is on vacation and I don't think rumors are a good reason to disturb him. He'll be back after Labor Day and I'll check in with him then."
There was a question I needed to ask.
"So...if you do catch Gordon and shut down the Project...what happens to me?"
"I knew you'd ask that. You'll have to give back the Flasher, of course, and sign a confidentiality agreement. After that, I figure you'll be left alone. Neither Mr. Jones nor the Department wants to get any more attention then necessary."
We lapsed into silence then. Each to his own thoughts. Then his phone sounded. As he answered it, I realized that I had the chance to tell Doyle about Gordon, but I knew I wouldn't. He closed his phone.
"Like I said, I won't get the time. I'm needed back at the office."
He finished his coffee and stood.
"See you around, Denny."
"Yeah. Take care, Doyle."
We shook hands, and he left, dropping his empty cup in a trash can.
I went upstairs to check out the graphic novel section. They haven't had anything that interested me in a long time, but I keep hoping. As I browsed, I noticed this guy sleeping in one of the nearby chairs.
It was only about 9:40, and the store was still empty. I moved around one of the shelving units till the window was behind me. There was no one around.
Point, press, Flash.
He didn't move at all.
I took the escalator down, and went out to my car. I stopped for a late breakfast at Denny's, then went home to read the Sunday papers.
It was a morning full of surprises.
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