Tuesday, September 1, 2009

You Gotta Start Somewhere......

I'm in the habit of carrying the Flasher with me. It's not so big that I can't stick it in my back pocket, and it's hard enough that I can sit on it, if I have to. Today's plan was to walk up to Perkins for breakfast, do some food shopping at Shoprite, and stop at the library to see if there's anything new.

I turned off Rahway onto Freeman Street, and headed for the train tracks - Freeman Street dropping underneath them to allow passage. As I approached, I saw a jogger coming towards me. A male, dark skinned, maybe Indian or Pakistani - they're a lot of them around here. I pulled the Flasher as I got nearer, but even though it was early I was conscious that there were cars passing by. The flash might attract them.

I passed him.

As I came up to the spot where the sidewalk dropped below the tracks, I saw another jogger rapidly approaching. Female, looked to be older then me. I looked around. The previous jogger was gone, possibly having turned the corner. As I passed her, I realized there were no cars within sight.

I pointed, pressed, and there was a bright flash. No sound. As I replaced the Flasher, I saw the woman drop to the side of the walkway, into a grassy area. I kept walking, and followed Freeman Street around towards Amboy Avenue and Perkins.

My cell phone chimed. I had a text message from "James". It read "Confirmed. 11 more to go."

I put the phone away and continued on my way. What else could I do.

There's nothing more to say.

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