Monday, December 24, 2018

It's Almost Over Now …………..

The family took me out for breakfast late last month to celebrate my 10-year transplant anniversary. I was still having trouble swallowing but I thought that soft-boiled eggs might be manageable. Unfortunately, the waitress had no idea what I was talking about. She checked with the manager and came back to tell me they don't do them.

Someone suggested Poached Eggs and everyone agreed that they were just the same. They weren't. I drank a lot of tea. Then someone else suggested that I get a Milk Shake on the way home - it would be tasty and filling. I stopped at the local Carvel's for a Vanilla one.

It was great!

On the following Monday, after Radiation, I stopped at a Burger King's for a Chocolate Shake. It was OK but the Vanilla was better. That Wednesday, a friend stopped by with a Coffee Shake which I didn't care for. I was planning on picking one up every now and then when things took a bad turn. I developed severe stomach cramps which the doctor's blamed on the milk (I really hadn't had any for a long time). So much for Shakes.

I had spoken to the nurses at the Radiology Office about the Food Tube and they set me up with an appointment for Friday, the 30th, at 2:45 which I would go to after Chemo. After Radiation that morning, I drove to the Hospital (3 minutes), parked, and went inside like I have been doing every Friday. I went to the Front Desk and told them I was there for Outpatient Infusion. They didn't ask for any identification or proof just gave me a badge to wear.

I could wander around the hospital all day and potentially steal stuff and no one would question me. And, when I'm done, I turn in the badge and they give me a free pass for the parking.

The Chemo went well and I made it to the Gastroenterologist on time. His opinion was that since I was so far along, I didn't need the tube. I mentioned this to the nurses on the following Monday and they just set me up with someone else.

I met with him and we agreed to do the surgery on the Monday the17th. 
 Starting on Monday, the 10th, a friend would pick me up each day for whatever treatment I was going to. This was a huge help because I was starting to tire very easily. (And she helped me do whatever shopping I needed to get done.)

Friday, the 14th, I was back for Chemo and this older man was already in one of the chairs and all hooked up. 

We were on opposite sides of the room so I didn't get to talk to him but I did hear him say that he was 94 and he was wearing a hat that said "Okinawa Vet". Every once in a while a life lesson pops up. I didn't feel so bad about what I was going through.

On the 17th, my Daughter drove me to Radiation then the Hospital. We parked in the lot.

I registered and we went up to Same-day Surgery. this is on the same floor as Outpatient Infusion so I knew a few of the nurses. They brought me up around 10 and I was back (after waking from the anesthesia) about 11:20. Then things went downhill. No one would tell me how to use the tube and I had to wait for a Dietician - which took an hour and a half. Then I had to wait for a Case Manager so a Visiting Nurse could come out to show me what to do. When he showed up - 45 minutes later - he said they wouldn't send anyone out for something as simple as this.

I wound up going back to the nurses at the Radiology Office who gave me the injection system and showed me how to use it. 

It's not complicated.

(To step back a bit, one of the reasons I agreed to the tube was because the nurses told me my insurance would cover the expense of the nutrition drinks. They won't. I have to make my own arrangements.)

I've been using the tube now 4times a day (roughly every 3 hours). At first, I spilled a lot but I've got it down pat now. This is how I see it.

I'll probably be using the tube for at least a month but my treatments are coming to a close. I've got 4 more Radiation treatments and 1 more Chemo. I am feeling stronger.

It's almost over now.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Down The Rabbit Hole …………….

Besides the radiology and chemo work coming up, I still had a few other doctor follow-ups.

Monday the 22nd, I had an appointment with my Urologist. He'd had me take a Prostate MRI but he never got back to me with the answer. I pulled up in front early.

I got lucky and actually got to see the doctor instead of his assistant. We discussed the MRI and he said that things looked much better then they did after my last biopsy. I felt good when I left.

One less thing to worry about.

Thursday the 25th I was back at the Radiologist's for a test run. They bolted me down to the table and ran through the sequence. My head is bent back at an angle and I have to gulp down my saliva. Near the end something went wrong and I started to cough convulsively. They came right in and got me up to where I could breathe again.

I decided to stop at a couple of libraries on the way home. Coming out of the Iselin Branch, I saw this guy across the street.

It looked like he was trying to get into his car through the passenger side window. Must've locked his keys in. Sorry.

Friday the 26th, I started the chemo. I was told that the first session would take 2 hours and the subsequent ones would be an hour. They forgot to mention the amount of time it takes to set up. Then there's the blood work that they do and I have to wait for the results. Then there's the Benadryl drip that takes 20 minutes. Then there's the Magnesium drip that takes an hour. Then, assuming the meds are there, the Nurse has to find another Nurse to verify that I'm the guy whose supposed to get this med. Here's where the 2 hours comes in. I was there at 8:45and left at 2:15. At least I got a free lunch.

Tuesday the 6th, I had my radiology treatment at 8:15 then drove down to Shoprite. I picked up some grapes for my Granddaughter and a large Iced Tea at the Dunkin Donuts kiosk. I ate a yoghurt in the car, picked up the paper, the drove down to do some babysitting. I pulled up out front and watched this one guy taking apart a sidewalk.

One guy!

Thursday the 8th, I stopped at Shoprite again (it's becoming part of the routine). I didn't even get out of the car, just ate my breakfast. That's where I saw this guy.

I watched him for a while but couldn't figure out what he was doing. I had babysitting to do so I drove away.

Thursday the 15th, the sky clouded over early. There was snow coming later on. In the parking lot I noticed this school bus.

This is one of my pet peeves and I was tempted but the haze would intensify the Flash and draw too much attention.

Tuesday the 20th, I had a follow-up with the oncologist. Everything looks good.

So far, due to the treatments, the hair on my chin is gone. My throat is sore and I'm having difficulty swallowing anything hard. The doctors both mentioned a Food Tube at the beginning of this whole process and I think I'm gonna talk to them about it tomorrow.

Once more down the rabbit hole.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Here I Go Again ………..

The month started off simply enough but went downhill fast.

Wednesday, the 3rd, I had a follow up appointment with my Dermatologist at 9:30 and he wound up taking off a small Carcinoma below my left eye which turned out to be benign.

Thursday, the 4th, I went to see an Allergist at 8:30. He ran a whole bunch of scratch tests but nothing turned up positive. He suggested that I switch from Allegra to Zyrtec. I did that and it seems to be working but now I'm stuck with a month's supply of Allegra.

Friday, the 5th, I got a call from my ENT's office that he wanted to see me. We agreed on Monday the 8th at 10:15. I hate when I get this kind of call and I'm left hanging over a weekend.

Saturday, the 6th, I went to see my Primary Physician at 9:00 for a check-up. No problems.

Monday, the 8th, I went to see my ENT. He actually showed up at 10:15 but still managed to keep me waiting for half an hour. The scan from last month showed some areas of concern in my right jaw and the lymph nodes on that side. He wanted to biopsy both areas and my immediate reaction was to put it off but I agreed to it anyway. He said he'd get the results in about 5 to 7 days. I got a call from his office on Wednesday the 10th that he wanted to see me.

I went back on Friday, the 12th at 10:30. The lymph nodes look good but there appeared to be a Squamous Cell Carcinoma along my right jaw line. He recommended going back to the Radiology Oncologist that I saw before and that I see another Oncologist for some potential Chemo. He gave me the disc of the scan and I made the appointments.

Monday, the 15th, I went to see the Radiology Oncologist at 1:00. I prefer to get things done in the morning but I had no choice. He checked out the scan and did a physical exam. Then he had his nurse set me up for a PET scan at RWJ in Rahway which is pretty close by. She managed to schedule it for Wednesday at 8:00.

Tuesday, the 16th, I spent some time with my Granddaughter then went back to the Radiologist's office at 11:00 for a planning session. I was fitted for the face mask that would keep my head immobilized during the treatment.

Wednesday, the 17th, I went up for the PET scan. I have to say that I like that hospital. The parking is cheap (in fact, this time the barrier bars were broken so it was free), and the staff are friendly. I had the radioactive dye injected, waited the 45 minutes then had the scan. It was a bit uncomfortable but it was over quickly.

Thursday, the 18th, I had a dental appointment at 9:00. I didn't really want one but the Radiology guy insisted on my getting a cleaning and a Fluoride treatment. I have a fear of dentists going back to my childhood but I did this and it wasn't so bad. Then I had to kill a lot of time before I had an appointment with an Oncologist at 2:30.

I was there about 45 minutes early because I knew there'd be paperwork to fill out. I got lucky and he saw me about 2:15. He asked a bunch of questions (which the nurse had done earlier) and did a quick physical. Then he explained what would happen. It won't be chemo but there will be a growth inhibitor injected a few days before the radiation treatment and will continue once a week until it's over. I'm not sure what to expect but I'll have to deal with it.

I have two follow-up doctors appointments next week and - I'm guessing - another one with the Oncologist.

Here I go again.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

You Never Know…..

This past Thursday I had the throat scan done that my ENT wanted. They were going to fax the results and I have the picture disc which I'll drop off on Monday. I'll hear back some time later in the week.

Yesterday I was going to do some local shopping but it was such a nice morning that I decided to drive down to Monmouth County. I used to live down there and there are a couple of libraries that I haven't been to in a while.

The first one is in Hazlet.

I picked up a Shakespeare collection for $.25.

My next stop was the Middletown Library.

I picked up 3 Trade Paperbacks for $.50 a piece

I headed home feeling good.

This morning I went out early. I was parked facing down Claire Street (the side street just off Rahway) so I had to drive around the corner. That's when I saw this.

I passed by here a couple of days ago and there was a house there. Now it's a protected area for trees.

You never know.


Saturday, September 22, 2018

A Mixed Bag Of Days ………..

Picking up where I left off last month …

Tuesday, August 28th, was very hot so I headed out  early. My first errand was to mail some bills at the Post Office. I stopped at the branch in Iselin.

I've been in the habit of dropping my mail off inside the building and, recently, the Police have been warning people about how thieves have been "fishing" mail out of the street corner boxes looking for personal information or checks. Looks like I was ahead of the curve.

I then drove up to my Pharmacy to pick up my Potassium prescription. $60 for a 3 month supply, but I didn't have a choice. Thankfully, the nurse padded the dosage and I was hopeful that I could go back to a lower dose after my next blood test.

I rescheduled my ENT appointment until the end of the month.

Tuesday, September 3rd, was Labor Day and I was heading up to Avenel for a BBQ. It was a cool morning and I passed by this guy out for a walk.

He seemed to be really into it and it made me smile.

I got a robo-call from my Pharmacy that my secondary anti-rejection med was in and would cost $7. This surprised me since I hadn't ordered it and I knew there were problems with the manufacturer. Still, it makes up for the Potassium situation.

Friday, the 7th, I had a follow-up appointment with my Dermatologist in Edison. Schools are back in session, so I had to take a round-about way to get there without getting stuck behind a drop-off line. I cut through a Seven 11 lot and came across this bus.

One of my pet peeves - a school bus taking up too many spaces by parking diagonally.

Point, press, Flash.

All was good at the Dermatologist. Follow up in a month.

Monday, the 10th, I stopped at Shoprite and noticed this guy.

I don't usually look into other cars but I couldn't help notice the way he was positioned. Taking a closer look, I could see he was breathing. I went about my business.

Wednesday, the 12th, I stopped at KMart to check something out and wound up parking near this guy.

Another pet peeve - he was holding his phone in front of him and I could hear both sides on the conversation. Unfortunately, I couldn't do anything about it. I didn't find what I was looking for and left quickly.

Thursday, the 20th, I did a supermarket run up through Iselin and down through Edison. I didn't need anything specific just wanted to take a ride. Along Grove Street I came up behind this guy.

He was, I guess, a legally blind guy using his cane on his way home with a bag from his local min-mart. You gotta admire some people.

Yesterday, the 21st, I drove up for my appointment with my ENT. I pulled into the lot and saw this one guy trimming the grass.

He was doing it all by himself without a mower. Good for you, I thought.

The ENT checked me out pretty thoroughly. My vocal cords are clear with no sign of returning cancer, However, he thought my lymph nodes felt swollen. He gave my a prescription for a CT scan of my neck but I have to have some blood work done first. Fortunately, I have a set already scheduled for Monday.

Today is the first day of Autumn. It's clear and it's crisp but they say there's rain coming. And maybe some warmer weather.

Looks like another mixed bag of days ahead.

Monday, August 27, 2018

It Was A Stressful Week ….

I've tried to open that note that was left on my car window last month several times with no success. I'm guessing that whoever put it there didn't count on how bad the rain was gonna be. I threw it away after a day or two. If it was Gordon, he'll get back to me somehow. If it was some local business man, too bad.

I drove down to New Brunswick on Thursday the 9th for my scheduled Blood Work at RWJ. It was shortly after 7 in the morning and I don't usually see anyone out unless they're walking their dog or jogging but I did pass by this guy.

He didn't look too happy being out so early. I guessed he was on his way to work.

Monday the 13th, I was out early as usual. I didn't get my Blood Work results on Friday but I chalked it up to being August and having people on vacation. I was driving through a development in Woodbridge when I saw this women out speed-walking.

Good for her, I thought, and drove on. Later that afternoon, I got antsy about the results and called my Cardiologist's Office. I wound up leaving a message.

Tuesday, the 14th, was my Birthday. I was on my way to Route 9 to head down to the Golden Corral in Freehold for Brunch when I got delayed on Amboy Avenue.

Once again, I've been stopped by the train. I did get to the Corral in time and we had a great meal.

Wednesday, the 15th, I heard back from my Cardiologist. They decided I should increase my dosage of Magnesium and Potassium. The Magnesium isn't a problem because it's "over the counter" but the Potassium change required a new prescription. I figured they'd take care of it.

Thursday, the 16th, was overcast with some showers coming on. I cut through a Krauser's lot to get to Avenel Street when I saw this guy.

He's one of the people that I call a "Regular". If it's not too cold or not too wet, he sits out in front of his building and just watches the people and the traffic. He seems happy.

When I got home, I set up my meds. I have this pill caddy that holds a weeks worth and I stay on top of it - refilling the empty slots every 3 days. I realized that I was due for a refill of my Prograf .5 - one of my imunospressants - so I called in the reorder to my Pharmacy. It required approval from my doctor so I knew it would take a few days.

Monday, the 20th, I checked in with the Pharmacy. They hadn't gotten the approval that they needed so I had to call the Doctor. They called me back later and told me they'd given the OK.

Tuesday, the 21st, I got a call from my Pharmacy. They got the OK, they had the meds I needed, but it would cost me $200. This was way more then I was used to spending. They said that they'd faxed a form to my doctors that needed to be sent on to my Secondary Provider. I called my doctor so they'd keep an eye out. They called me back about an hour later to let me know that they'd gotten it and sent it on.

On Wednesday, the 22nd, I drove up Main Street to Amboy and saw another "Regular" - a young man who wears some heavy clothes even on hot days.

As long as he's comfortable, I thought, as he crossed in front of me. I went o my way.

That afternoon, I got a call from my Secondary Insurance Company. They'd reviewed my paperwork and agreed to lower the cost to me to $132 for the 3 month supply. I wasn't happy but I didn't see that I had a choice.

Thursday, the 23rd, things turned around. I got a text message from Doyle at 1:12 PM -

    "Heard you were having a problem with a prescription. No worries. All is good."

At 2 PM I got a call from the doctors that everything was worked out. At 2:30 I got a voicemail message from my pharmacy that the prescription was ready for pick-up. the total cost would be $7.

Thanks, Doyle!

That afternoon, I called in a renewal for my Potassium but was told that my Secondary wouldn't cover it because it was too early - probably because I had to double-up on the morning dosage. I called my Cardiologist again and actually spoke with someone. She understood what I was talking about and promised that someone would get back to me.

Friday, the 24th, I picked up my Prograf. That afternoon my favorite nurse - Jackie - called me. She apologized for what happened with the Potassium order. There was a miscommunication but the new scrip was called in.

I spent a quiet weekend.

This morning I woke up early. They say we're in for a heat wave so I went out to run some errands early. On my way up Chain-of-Hills Road (which winds it's way through parts of Avenel) I came up behind this guy.

I've said before that I don't like bike riders but this guy kept weaving back and forth between the curb and the middle of the road. I pulled up behind him at the corner of Grove and Oak Tree and followed him until there was no one else around.

Point, press, Flash.

I kept driving.

When I got home, I called my Pharmacy. My Potassium order should be in tomorrow. I'm not sure what the price will be but it doesn't matter.

This week, I have a check-up appointment with my ENT on Wednesday. Other then that, I plan to take it easy.

I have to get over last week - it was too stressful.

Monday, July 23, 2018

July She Will Fly ………….

I was born in August but I never really liked the heat. Over the last few years I've noticed that the hot weather has been coming earlier - in fact, now it's July that seems to be the hottest month. Could this be climate change? Maybe.

This has not been a good month for The Shore. Most of the weekends have been rainy and they're predicting rain for most of the next week. I go out early and try to back inside by 10 AM.

Tuesday the 3rd, I stopped at Shoprite to pick up a few things. Big mistake. The place was jammed and when I thought I'd found a parking spot I found this.

Seriously, that's 5 spaces taken up by people who are too ignorant to understand how annoying this is. There was nothing I could do about it so I just left.

I drove up to the Walmart in Linden looking for something for my Granddaughter. They didn't have it. Now I'm disappointed.

I got back in my car and was heading out when I saw this.

There were now at least 3 car carriers and what I'm guessing was a lawn maintenance truck that took up a huge part of the lot. I was already in a bad mood.

Point, press, Flash.

I don't know what effect that had but I'm pretty sure I caused a problem for some of the drivers and I felt better.

Monday the 9th, I was on my way up Amboy Avenue and got stuck at the railroad crossing.

Frustrating but it happens.

Thursday the 12th was a nice day. I was out picking up a few things including breakfast. When I was back in my car eating I noticed this young guy.

I don't know if he has an official title so I call him "Cart Guy". He's the one who walks around the parking lot and brings the carts back to the front of the store. There's usually someone like this in every store with a large parking lot. They do a great job considering how lazy most people are (see what I said about the 3rd).

Sunday the 15th I went to Denny's for breakfast.

I've been jonesing about a BLT and I took a chance on theirs. It was excellent! The bacon was not crispy but nice and chewy, just the way I like it. I'll be back there soon.

Saturday the 21st I stopped at Taco Bell's for breakfast (I have a gift card that I'm trying to use up).

I had the Fiesta Potato Breakfast Burrito. It was actually pretty good.

Yesterday it was raining but the sun did break through around 9:30. I took a quick run up to the Stop N Shop in Edison.

They have this pre-made Shepherd's Pie that's delicious. It's $6.99 but I can get two meals out of it.

It was raining again this morning but I had a few errands to run. I went out to my car and found a note tucked under my driver's side windshield wiper.  It was soaked and I couldn't open it. It didn't look official and I was parked legally. There were no new scratches on my car. Doyle would've called or texted. Gordon?? I don't know. I'll have to wait and see.

As I was sitting in my car warming it up I noticed this woman.

She's one of the regulars in my neighborhood and she takes that mower back and forth from her house on Rahway to another house on a local side street. I don't know why.

I understand that it will rain on and off for most of the week.

Paul Simon was wrong, July doesn't fly it drags.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

So Far, Not Such A Hot Summer …….

June has turned out to be kind of a wash out, literally - most days were overcast with occasional showers. Again, I haven't heard from Doyle and there's been no sign of Gordon. I try not to think about that but it's always in the back of my mind.

I've mentioned before that I take a lot of meds because of the transplant and some of them tend to come up for renewal at the same time. That happened this month.

On Tuesday the 6th, I drove up to Walmart (my Pharmacy is there) and picked one up. When I came out I watched as a tour bus pulled up into the lot and parked beside the store.

No one got off and no one got on. I thought that the passengers maybe were foreign tourists and their guide was explaining about how important Walmart is to America.  I waited for a while to see if  anything happened but I got bored and left.

Friday the 8th, I was out early and I was hungry. I stopped at Denny's for breakfast.

Monday the 11th, I gave in. My wipers have been streaking the windshield for months and I stopped at AutoZone but there was only one guy working so he couldn't leave the store to do the installation. I went to the Advanced Auto Parts store on St. George and got it taken care of.

Thursday the 14th, I slept in. I went through my morning routine and left my apartment around 8. I was hungry and I stopped at McDonald's for breakfast.

I ordered Pancakes and a large soft drink. I didn't actually get a soft drink but I filled up the cup with ice and water.

This worked out pretty well. I decided to give up caffeine for a while because of some physical issues and the large drink is only $1.

Thursday the 21st, I was back up at Walmart to pick up another scrip.  On my way out, I saw this truck. I've said before that I don't like truckers who pull into store parking lots and take up a row of spaces. Here was a trucker who was carrying trucks.

I drove around the car carrier and saw that there was no one there.

Point, press, Flash.

I wondered as I drove by if any of the cars were effected but I really didn't care.

This morning I stopped at Shoprite and picked up some things. The sun came out and I decided to just drive around a bit. On my way up Amboy Avenue I wound up behind this guy.

I'm very conscious of motorcycle riders because I know a few. Still this guy was only doing about 20 in a 35 mile zone. I was annoyed so, when I had the chance, I passed him. I was going to do something or make a gesture but then I got a quick look at him. I'm guessing he was about 80, wearing a helmet, and going as fast as he could.

So far, not such a hot summer but some people know how to enjoy it.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Two Weeks In May ………….

I haven't heard from Doyle in a couple of weeks so I don't know what the Gordon situation is. Still, I have things to do.

On Saturday the 5th, I went out to my car to try to pop the hood. I've had some trouble in the past because of a rust situation but I managed to get it open after about 10 minutes of pulling on the release knob.

I filled up the Washer Fluid well and added some Coolant.

Monday the 7th, I went for a haircut. The guy I go to opens at 8 AM and I usually park outside of the back door. This time I got there about 7:50.

I was expecting Diego but Mike, the owner, opened. He spent about 1/2 an hour on me and we had a rambling conversation about a lot of things - just like most barber/customers do.

Wednesday the 9th, I went for an oil change. I'd been using the 8 Minute Oil Change place on St. George but decided, this time, to go to Atlantic Tire nearby.

I've been getting my tires there for years and recently a friend told me that they do other work. It took about 40 minutes but the car's running well and it cost about the same as that 8 Minute place.

On Thursday the 10th, I went back to RWJ in New Brunswick for more Blood Work. I got the results on Friday the 11th. Everything is back to normal.

Monday the 14th, I did my wash.

Thursday the 17th, I had my semi-annual Cardiologist visit in RWJ. I was called in a bit early and a Nurse asked me a lot of questions. Then I waited for about 20 minutes until a Doctor came in and asked me the same questions. This happens every 6 months and I expect that the same thing will happen in November for my 10th Anniversary.

On the way back, I was thinking about what to get for lunch and I remembered that Dunkin' Donuts had a Chicken Salad Sandwich that I liked. I stopped at their store on Amboy Avenue.

They don't have it anymore.

I was driving out of the strip mall when I saw this store.

I remembered being here before. I parked, went inside, and bought a Ham Salad Sandwich.

Not quite what I was hoping for but it was OK.

Friday the 18th it was raining pretty heavily but I had some things to do before I stopped by to babysit my Granddaughter. I stopped at Shoprite, filled up my tank at Wawa's, and picked up some hardware at Walmart. It was raining and, on my way out of the lot, I saw these guys.

I knew that I shouldn't but these truckers who take up multiple spaces annoy me. l lowered the Driver's side window long enough.

Point, press, Flash.

I headed back.

This morning it wasn't raining for the first time in days. I was out early because I had to do a favor for a friend. That being done, I was heading to my local Shoprite when I remembered that there was a Chic Fil A nearby and they had a pretty good Chicken Salad sandwich and I still wanted one.

Turns out they don't sell it anymore.

I'm not sure where to look next.

All this within two weeks in May.