It's been a long month and I'm still working on my "No Events" policy, especially since Doyle, last month, suggested that I continue with it. He said that they were worried about Gordon who's signal has popped up a few times near Trump's Bedminster Golf Course. Their thinking is that Gordon has been living vicariously through what I was doing and - now that I've stopped - he might decide to shift his attention to me.
I'm doing what I have to do but I've amped up my attention to who's around me.
Wednesday, the 1st, I drove up to Walmart to pick up a prescription they had ready for me. I was in and out quickly and as I started to drive out I noticed this.
I really don't like people who take up too many spaces and I was tempted but, as I drove by, I noticed that the driver was visible in his side view mirror.
I kept going.
Thursday, the 9th, I drove down to New Brunswick for Blood Work. I take Main Street to Amboy Avenue to Route 27. On a good day, I can do this in about 35 minutes. On a bad day, about an hour.
This was a good day.
I was on my way home when I saw this guy.
It's getting easier to drive by.
Thursday, the 16th, I dove back to New Brunswick for an appointment with my Cardiologist. I got there very early and had breakfast in the cafeteria in the hospital. Long story short, things look good and they asked me to stop a couple of meds and to schedule my annual tests.
Doyle was right. Gordon was watching me.
On Monday, the 20th, I drove into Metuchen for a Bone Density Scan. It's a nice neighborhood and, along the way, I came up behind this person.
It's getting easier. I parked my car and walked the two blocks.
Thursday, the 23rd, was Thanksgiving and I had a great day with the family.
Friday, the 24th, was my 9th Anniversary as a Heart Transplant Recipient and I had a nice breakfast with some family members.
Next up is Christmas and I've done most of my shopping online. I have a few things I still have to get but I'm working on it.