Recently, I've been thinking of driving up to New Providence. There's a place up there that I wanted to check out. Now, I don't have one of those GPS things - I don't like driving outside my comfort zone - so I found the website for the place I was interested in and wrote down the directions. These were from Google, and had a lot of "slight left turn" steps, so I also used MapQuest for directions, which seemed simpler.
Yesterday started out overcast, but by the time I'd made a few stops it had brightened up. I decided to make the drive right then. Both sets of directions start by me taking Lake to Martine to Park, with a few of those "slight left turns". Neither set of directions mentioned that what I thought would be 3 separate roads were actually 1 road with a few curves. It took me a while to figure out that the different towns I passed through renamed their sections of the road.
When I got to Scotch Plains, I had a problem. Google said to take a road which I couldn't find because it had no street sign, and MapQuest left that turn off it's instructions completely. I did figure it out after a few false moves that kept bringing me back to Route 22 (one of the worst roads in New Jersey), but there was construction and a huge back-up in the middle of the turn. I took this as a sign, and turned around and went home.
Like most people, I check my mailbox when I get home. The mail is usually delivered between 10:00 and 2:00.Yesterday, I got home about 11:30 and saw that the mailman was just getting out of his little truck down on the next corner, so I just went inside.
This morning, since the forecast was for rain, I ran a few errands, and was back about 10:30. I checked my mailbox and found one small, plain, white envelope.
It was completely blank and unsealed. No postmark, not stamp, no address of any kind. Inside was a page from one of those day-per-page type calendars. On the back of the page was written..
... in printed, capital letters.
The page was from the weekend and could've been in the mailbox since yesterday. Hell, it could've been there since late Saturday.
I had no idea what this meant, or who it was from. My only guess was that someone from DHS was letting me know that they were still keeping tabs on me. I took pictures, texted them to my contact number, and left a message.
I had no idea what this meant, or who it was from. My only guess was that someone from DHS was letting me know that they were still keeping tabs on me. I took pictures, texted them to my contact number, and left a message.
About 20 minutes later, I got a response.
They hadn't sent it.
So now I have to wonder..if they didn't do this then who?
And, why?